
Howdy! I’m Aniket Ashtikar, a Web Architect by profession and a big time tech enthusiast.

Born and brought up in Gwalior (a relatively small, but historically rich city in Madhya Pradesh located in (almost) central India), I found myself immensely drawn towards computers, eventually software, code and the World Wide Web by the time I graduated.

Back then..

I started my career back in 2010 when I was training some college-going and senior secondary students in programming languages, primarily C and C++. I had been able to get a better grasp at it, back then in my school. It all started with writing copying C++ programs from the course book and trying to build small games. That first on-screen tic-tac-toe game thrilled me and  urged me to pursue my interest in programming, coding and learning the languages of computer.

How it started..

In 2013, I got to get my hands dirty in PHP. This was what kick-started my professional career. This is also when I first came to know about WordPress. I was trained by an ace WordPress development agency (sheer professionals and they rank in SERPs for what they do) who hired me as a novice (but hobbyist) developer with no knowledge of the work they delivered to their customers, most probably because of my desire to learn! I eventually got going with PHP and started my journey with WordPress.

The journey..

Since then, I have been working full-time over WordPress; it is no more just-a-part-of-job thing. With 5+ years of experience working over WordPress in back-end, front-end development, I have been able to help individuals and businesses gain an online presence and have been a part of their online growth. Working and delivering results in terms of growth for eCommerce businesses with WordPress and WooCommerce helped me prove my ground for development skills.

Other important things

I literally wake up to music and that’s also how i like to put an end to my nights. Mostly inclined towards classical, semi-classical Indian music, I hear, sing and live music all day. Beer and coffee help me stay hyper-active.

Also, I love to photograph. I have been able to capture the best of nature on lucky days. I love going out, exploring and when I do that, I take my camera along.

.. and the website

This website is more of an online resume, something that will possibly someday turn into a portfolio too or just a blog. I’ve always believed that something unexpected, unforeseen may unwind as you progress in life (happens with me, always) and maybe this is one way I could let the world know of it.

Other than that, I plan to focus on sharing useful tutorials, code snippets, etc. that I think can help several others in the WordPress or in general the tech community.

If you want to get in touch, you could do that using the contact form on this page.